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Podcast #17 - Review of the "Temple of Mu" Video

A few years ago, a relative from Down Under sent me a DVD copy of a television program that he had seen and recorded on his VCR. A few years also elapsed between when he first recorded and mailed it. Although the quality of the conversion was less than ideal, it was the thought that matters and I am indebted to Ken for his thoughtfulness and generosity in getting a copy of the video to me. I watched the video and did a little research - Iris DeMauro, an executive producer of the video wrote back in an email that the video had since been updated and she sent me a copy. I am indebted to Mrs. DeMauro for a copy of the newer version and wish to publically extend my personal gratitude and thanks to her.

The 'Temple of Mu' is about what some researchers call the Yonaguni Monument in Okinawa. While the presentation does reference my great-grandfather James Churchward and his writings, they have arrived at slightly different conclusions that are actually supported by scientific reasoning. That ancient civilizations could be contained in areas inundated by the rising waters after the last Ice Age is a given. Researchers from Florida State University have found submerged prehistoric settlements 6km off the coast of Florida under 3.7 to 4.6 meters of water (see PaleoAucilla Prehistory Project). Recent coverage in the Indian media have announced the discovery of a 14km wall off the western coast of India (see James Churchward's Western India Discovery?) It would not be a stretch of the imagination to consider the presence of a structure just off the coast of Japan.

The video also discusses architectural similarities between ancient Japanese and Peruvian structures and states their reasoning for postulating a common origin.

The video also shows the Okinawa Rosetta Stone. The symbols on this stone tablet have been compared to the symbols found in France during the 1920s called the Glozel Discoveries. The symbols have also been compared to the Naacal Tablets - the ancient sacred inspired writings of Mu that great-grandfather James claimed to have found in India in the 1870s.

The 'Temple of Mu' presents some possibly controversial information but doesn't grandstand with conspiracy theories or wild, unsubstantiated claims. The video mentions James, but it isn't about him. I recommend that people interested in ancient civilizations take the opportunity to watch it.

I have not included any video excerpts from the 'Temple of Mu' because there are some available online at their website,, along with a photo tour and contact information. Please visit their website at for more information on this video.

Thanks for watching and have a great day.

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